Skip Van Lenten

Skip is a retired house painter with an eye toward music and art. He grew up in New Jersey in the 50’s and has published a book on Amazon with stories about those days and later years. Just 10 minutes from NYC, the area is unrecognizable today. Playing in the woods was the primary source of adventure, but the trails and hideouts of his childhood years have been replaced by housing developments, shopping centers, and retail outlets. He and his wife have a small camp in the Adirondacks now, and spend as much time outdoors as they can. 

Skip’s first paintings came about when he needed Christmas gifts for his two sisters. He had a stack of canvas boards, a cigar box full of old oil paints, and a handful of brushes that had been given to him by his neighbor, who happened to be an artist. Using photos of the dogs, he finished the portraits just in time, and portrait painting became a hobby that evolved into landscapes, flowers, and other subjects in oil, acrylics, and watercolors. About the transition, he says, “I never thought I would enjoy painting portraits, but I’ve painted every animal and stuffed animal in our family since then; cats, dogs, and one guinea pig.”


A collection of stories about Skip's life can be found on Amazon and links to some of his favorites appear on the Stories page. He has some interesting tales to tell.
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A Little Adventure

What started out as a winter hike in Vermont turned out to be a way of looking at life.

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Minnesota Nights

Moving through space.

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Welcome Home

When it matters most.

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The Bike Trip

Two wheels and a map.

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The Radio

Electronics in the 50's.

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The Trade

Keeping it real.

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The Parade

When you've been there, you never forget.

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First Car

They don't make them like they used to.

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Little Big Books

My first experience as a young reader.

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